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TOOU - TASCA by Simone ViolaTOOU - TASCA │ 達絲卡沙發椅(灰布)

  • 截圖 2021-06-23 下午2.23.13
  • 截圖 2021-06-23 下午2.22.42
  • TASCA_lounge_and_ottoman_Gabriel_pink_1
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  • TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_blue_1
  • TASCA_lounge_standard_blue
  • TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_gray_4
  • TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_gray_1
  • 截圖 2021-06-23 下午2.32.42
截圖 2021-06-23 下午2.23.13 截圖 2021-06-23 下午2.22.42 TASCA_lounge_and_ottoman_Gabriel_pink_1 TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_pink_4 TASCA_ottoman_Gabriel_pink_2 TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_pink_1 TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_pink_5 TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_blue_1 TASCA_lounge_standard_blue TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_gray_4 TASCA_lounge_Gabriel_gray_1 截圖 2021-06-23 下午2.32.42
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TOOU 是以友善生態為本的義大利品牌,對於材質的選用不只嚴謹,更常以環保自然的材質為主要的重要考量,不斷創造出簡約,兼具功能性及藝術性的傢俱,其中更發起Leafee的活動,透過非營利組織在世界各地進行植樹造林,不只使用環保材料,更實際用行動為自然生態發聲。


TOOU 的產品中,結合當代美學概念與20世界設計學院的經典,共同淬煉出簡約高品質的產品,擁有獨特的氣質和設計感,且具有極高的辨識度。不僅是日常生活中搭配的首選,在規劃商用辦公室空間也非常合適,是近年來空間設計師非常喜愛及欣賞的品牌。

brand story品牌故事

Simone Viola was born in Mendrisio, Switzerland in 1985. After a rigorous training in industrial design in Milan and through his collaboration during various architectural and design studios, he began to gain experience in Switzerland and abroad. In 2011, he founded the Simone Viola Design Studio, focusing on industrial projects for furniture and accessories. 

His philosophy leans toward research on the materials and technical aspects related to the development of the project, conceptually 

guided by historical and artistic references. This approach produces the most natural connection to contemporary design, where the object is not the expression of a trend, but a long-lasting fusion of form and the intended use. 

Soft, natural elegant shapes and an elevated attention to details characterizes his work and a continuous optimization of the development phase allows the realization of high quality and generously accommodating products

product details商品說明

布面顏色灰布/ 藍布/ 粉布

delivery and returns配送與退貨

· 所有貨運皆無搬上樓之服務,以一樓交貨為主
· 若須上樓服務會電聯討論之後再商議
· 貨物送貨時間由貨運司機安排,
· 貨量或貨品較大之訂單需等待專車配送
· 配送範圍:台灣本島。外島及離島不接單
· 特殊地型限制偏遠(山區、鄉、鎮、村等)

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